Tuesday: Chris Brown Pleads Guilty To Felony On Punching a Fella Outer Washington Hotel

Chris Brown Photo Curtsey Jason Merritt
OnTuesday Chris Brown pleaded guilty to offence on punching a man ‘ Parker Adams’ outside a Washington hotel, his bodyguard too, Chris Hollosy, in April, was convicted of the offence in the same fracas as the second person to have hit the man after Chris.

The victim 20-year-old grieved a broken nose, after he received a blow from Chris as he tried to get in a photo the songster was taking with two females outer the Washington Hotel.
The star who by the time of instance was on probation in a crime for attacking his, then girlfriend pop star Rihanna afore the 2009 Grammy Awards, had California Judge revoke his probation ordering him to serve an additional 131 days in jail, he was later released in June.

Since then, had several outbursts that have been re-counted to the authorities including breaking of a window after a 2011 interview in New York, grabbing cellphone of a lady who tried to take pictures of the vocalist, involved in a punch-up with Frank Ocean following over parking space and involvement in a New York Nightclub brawl.

Although Chris Brown’s image has been stained by series of acts, TMZ reports that he was not charged in any of the incidents and judge sentenced him to jail time previously served, besides, crowds of his admirers remain by his side.

Brown concisely spoke, saying; “I would like to say to the court that I’m sorry.”

Chris is scheduled to release his impending sixth studio album titled ‘X’ on September 15, 2014, through RCA Records, an album which has been encountered with numerous deferrals. 

Some of already released singles in his 21 track ‘X’ Album include ‘Fine China,’ ‘Don’t Think They Know,’ ‘Love More,’ ‘Loyal’ and ‘New Flame.’

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